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There are some rules

Our gym studio was set up to allow for local's who do something in our community to access a place to work out

What do we mean by "community"


You can either be involved in one of sports teams/clubs, volunteer services like the Fire Service etc. 

If you are a high school student this available if you are a part of school sport, local sport or volunteer services.


Involvement in sports means a contributing member either by way of paying subs, volunteering within the club etc

We have decided to allow a small amount of members that do not fit into the "community" category. This is limited and by management approval only.


Pricing and terms differ

Community membership- $10 per week

You must be in an organisation that contributes to the community. Examples: involved with sport, whether it be playing, coaching, committee, volunteer etc. Or in our emergency services - Fire, St John etc. If you are not sure just check in with us

Sporting involvement needs to be as a contributing member -sub paying or involved in the running of the club. Social sports is not counted

Your employment/mahi is not your community organisation unless this as a volunteer

Students at high school - $7 per week.

12-15 years must be supervised by another member over the age of 18. Students also need to be part of a sports team or community organisation. Your school is not your community organisation- it is the sport you play for school or elsewhere or where you volunteer. All Under 18s must have parental consent

Family membership -2 adults -$17 per week.

High school students can have access under this

We will be allowing a small number of non community members. This is by approval only and will be $20 per week or $12 for high school students. Spots are limited as essentially we want to remain a community facility

Note group training classes are payable separate to membership

You can sign up via the links below

Over 18- You fill out the customer form, sign the waiver and consent and then select your membership

Under 18 -Parent/guardian fills out the form, adds you as a family member and signs the waiver and consent.

12-15 years- You need to be supervised in the gym by an adult (over 18 at all times) Family membership mus be applied for 

Family Membership

Use for youth 12-15 year olds

Memberships with more than 1 family member

Family Manager (adult/guardian)



Because physical exercise can be strenuous and subject to risk of serious injury, we urge you to obtain a physical examination from the doctor before using any exercise equipment or participating in any physical activity. You agree that by participating in physical exercise or training activities, you do so entirely at your own risk. You agree that you are voluntarily participating in these activities and use of these facilities and premises and assume all risks of injury, illness, or death. We are also not responsible for any loss of personal property.

You acknowledge that you have carefully read this "waiver and release" and fully and fully understand that if it is a release of liability. You expressly agree to release and discharge the gym management from any and all claims or causes of action and you agree to voluntarily give up or waive any right that you may otherwise have to bring a legal action against the The Fitness Co-Op for personal injury or property damage.



WEEK TO WEEK MEMBERSHIP: If I elect to have a membership, I acknowledge that this agreement is a legally binding obligation for which I am financially responsible. I agree if I fail to pay my membership fee or any other outstanding amount required when payment is due, I must immediately pay the entire amount owing.

DEFAULT AND CONSEQUENCES OF DEFAULT: I agree to pay my membership fee on time each week, I acknowledge if this not paid my membership and access will be put on hold until I pay

TERMINATION FOR CAUSE BY CLUB OWNER (MEMBER BREACH): The Owner or Manager may, at their option, terminate my membership if (1) I fail to make payments when due or any payments are late, (2) I fail to follow any membership policies or club rules or violate any part of this agreement, (3) my conduct is improper and harmful to the best interest of the gym or its members, (4) I bring unauthorised people into the gym, I will not allow any non-member to use my membership access tag, and I understand that if I do, the access tag may be deactivated and a fee will be charged to re-activate the card.

PHYSICAL CONDITION AND MEDICAL ADVICE: I represent that I am in good physical condition and have no medical reason for impairment that might prevent me from my intended use of the facilities. If I have any health or medical concerns now or after I join, I will discuss them with my doctor before using the facilities.

MEMBERS RIGHT TO CANCEL: I can cancel my membership without penalty with 7 days notice. The notice must state that I do not wish to be bound by this agreement and be signed by the holder of the membership or an appropriate guardian.

DAMAGED, LOST OR STOLEN PROPERTY: This clause is subject to the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 if it applies. I acknowledge I am responsible for my personal belongings and property while at the gym. The Gym Owner and the Gym itself are responsible only to the minimum extent, which is imposed by law. To the minimum extent permitted by law, the Gym Owner and the Gym exclude responsibility and liability for any of my personal property that is damaged, lost or stolen while in or around gym.

ASSUMPTION OF RISK OR INJURY AND WAIVER OF CLAIMS: I understand and agree that the gym location is an unsupervised fitness centre and there may be no employee on site to help me use the equipment or exercise in the manner that I choose to exercise. I acknowledge there is a possible danger connected with any physical activity (including dangers of physical injury and death) – and I assume the risk of such danger. This clause is subject to the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993, if it applies.

MEMBERSHIP INDEMNIFICATION: A member must be at least 16 years old to use the gym alone. A member between the ages of 12 and 15 can use the gym only under the supervision of an adult member 16 years or older. A parent or guardian must sign their membership.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF MEMBER LIABILITY: Where it is proven that I or my family, cause any damage to the equipment or physical infrastructure of the gym, I acknowledge I am liable for that damage, and will reimburse the gym for the reasonable costs of putting right the damage via the payment method used to pay my membership fees.

PRIVACY ACT 1993: The authorities under this clause are authorities or consents for the purposes of the Privacy Act 1993.

PERSONAL EMAIL AND CONTACT DETAILS: I must provide my personal email address in order to receive occasional emails with updates of my membership and increasing benefits. I agree to being sent these electronic communications and acknowledge that I have the option to opt-out from receiving these updates by replying and requesting to be unsubscribed. I am obligated to ensure all my contact details are kept up to date.

RIGHT TO AMEND TERMS AND NOTIFY BY WEBSITE: The gym has the right to amend or vary these terms and conditions at any time. Updated terms and conditions will be available on the website.

Adult Membership Individual

Use for 18year old and above memberships



Because physical exercise can be strenuous and subject to risk of serious injury, we urge you to obtain a physical examination from the doctor before using any exercise equipment or participating in any physical activity. You agree that by participating in physical exercise or training activities, you do so entirely at your own risk. You agree that you are voluntarily participating in these activities and use of these facilities and premises and assume all risks of injury, illness, or death. We are also not responsible for any loss of personal property.

You acknowledge that you have carefully read this "waiver and release" and fully and fully understand that if it is a release of liability. You expressly agree to release and discharge the gym management from any and all claims or causes of action and you agree to voluntarily give up or waive any right that you may otherwise have to bring a legal action against the The Fitness Co-Op for personal injury or property damage.



WEEK TO WEEK MEMBERSHIP: If I elect to have a membership, I acknowledge that this agreement is a legally binding obligation for which I am financially responsible. I agree if I fail to pay my membership fee or any other outstanding amount required when payment is due, I must immediately pay the entire amount owing.

DEFAULT AND CONSEQUENCES OF DEFAULT: I agree to pay my membership fee on time each week, I acknowledge if this not paid my membership and access will be put on hold until I pay

TERMINATION FOR CAUSE BY CLUB OWNER (MEMBER BREACH): The Owner or Manager may, at their option, terminate my membership if (1) I fail to make payments when due or any payments are late, (2) I fail to follow any membership policies or club rules or violate any part of this agreement, (3) my conduct is improper and harmful to the best interest of the gym or its members, (4) I bring unauthorised people into the gym, I will not allow any non-member to use my membership access tag, and I understand that if I do, the access tag may be deactivated and a fee will be charged to re-activate the card.

PHYSICAL CONDITION AND MEDICAL ADVICE: I represent that I am in good physical condition and have no medical reason for impairment that might prevent me from my intended use of the facilities. If I have any health or medical concerns now or after I join, I will discuss them with my doctor before using the facilities.

MEMBERS RIGHT TO CANCEL: I can cancel my membership without penalty with 7 days notice. The notice must state that I do not wish to be bound by this agreement and be signed by the holder of the membership or an appropriate guardian.

DAMAGED, LOST OR STOLEN PROPERTY: This clause is subject to the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 if it applies. I acknowledge I am responsible for my personal belongings and property while at the gym. The Gym Owner and the Gym itself are responsible only to the minimum extent, which is imposed by law. To the minimum extent permitted by law, the Gym Owner and the Gym exclude responsibility and liability for any of my personal property that is damaged, lost or stolen while in or around gym.

ASSUMPTION OF RISK OR INJURY AND WAIVER OF CLAIMS: I understand and agree that the gym location is an unsupervised fitness centre and there may be no employee on site to help me use the equipment or exercise in the manner that I choose to exercise. I acknowledge there is a possible danger connected with any physical activity (including dangers of physical injury and death) – and I assume the risk of such danger. This clause is subject to the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993, if it applies.

MEMBERSHIP INDEMNIFICATION: A member must be at least 16 years old to use the gym alone. A member between the ages of 12 and 15 can use the gym only under the supervision of an adult member 16 years or older. A parent or guardian must sign their membership.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF MEMBER LIABILITY: Where it is proven that I or my family, cause any damage to the equipment or physical infrastructure of the gym, I acknowledge I am liable for that damage, and will reimburse the gym for the reasonable costs of putting right the damage via the payment method used to pay my membership fees.

PRIVACY ACT 1993: The authorities under this clause are authorities or consents for the purposes of the Privacy Act 1993.

PERSONAL EMAIL AND CONTACT DETAILS: I must provide my personal email address in order to receive occasional emails with updates of my membership and increasing benefits. I agree to being sent these electronic communications and acknowledge that I have the option to opt-out from receiving these updates by replying and requesting to be unsubscribed. I am obligated to ensure all my contact details are kept up to date.

RIGHT TO AMEND TERMS AND NOTIFY BY WEBSITE: The gym has the right to amend or vary these terms and conditions at any time. Updated terms and conditions will be available on the website.

16-17year old Membership Form

Parent/Guardian Details


Member Details


Because physical exercise can be strenuous and subject to risk of serious injury, we urge you to obtain a physical examination from the doctor before using any exercise equipment or participating in any physical activity. You agree that by participating in physical exercise or training activities, you do so entirely at your own risk. You agree that you are voluntarily participating in these activities and use of these facilities and premises and assume all risks of injury, illness, or death. We are also not responsible for any loss of personal property.

You acknowledge that you have carefully read this "waiver and release" and fully and fully understand that if it is a release of liability. You expressly agree to release and discharge the gym management from any and all claims or causes of action and you agree to voluntarily give up or waive any right that you may otherwise have to bring a legal action against the The Fitness Co-Op for personal injury or property damage.


MEMBERSHIP INDEMNIFICATION: A member must be at least 16 years old to use the gym alone. A member between the ages of 12 and 15 can use the gym only under the supervision of an adult member 16 years or older. A parent or guardian must sign their membership.


WEEK TO WEEK MEMBERSHIP: If I elect to have a membership, I acknowledge that this agreement is a legally binding obligation for which I am financially responsible. I agree if I fail to pay my membership fee or any other outstanding amount required when payment is due, I must immediately pay the entire amount owing.

DEFAULT AND CONSEQUENCES OF DEFAULT: I agree to pay my membership fee on time each week, I acknowledge if this not paid my membership and access will be put on hold until I pay

TERMINATION FOR CAUSE BY CLUB OWNER (MEMBER BREACH): The Owner or Manager may, at their option, terminate my membership if (1) I fail to make payments when due or any payments are late, (2) I fail to follow any membership policies or club rules or violate any part of this agreement, (3) my conduct is improper and harmful to the best interest of the gym or its members, (4) I bring unauthorised people into the gym, I will not allow any non-member to use my membership access tag, and I understand that if I do, the access tag may be deactivated and a fee will be charged to re-activate the card.

PHYSICAL CONDITION AND MEDICAL ADVICE: I represent that I am in good physical condition and have no medical reason for impairment that might prevent me from my intended use of the facilities. If I have any health or medical concerns now or after I join, I will discuss them with my doctor before using the facilities.

MEMBERS RIGHT TO CANCEL: I can cancel my membership without penalty with 7 days notice. The notice must state that I do not wish to be bound by this agreement and be signed by the holder of the membership or an appropriate guardian.

DAMAGED, LOST OR STOLEN PROPERTY: This clause is subject to the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 if it applies. I acknowledge I am responsible for my personal belongings and property while at the gym. The Gym Owner and the Gym itself are responsible only to the minimum extent, which is imposed by law. To the minimum extent permitted by law, the Gym Owner and the Gym exclude responsibility and liability for any of my personal property that is damaged, lost or stolen while in or around gym.

ASSUMPTION OF RISK OR INJURY AND WAIVER OF CLAIMS: I understand and agree that the gym location is an unsupervised fitness centre and there may be no employee on site to help me use the equipment or exercise in the manner that I choose to exercise. I acknowledge there is a possible danger connected with any physical activity (including dangers of physical injury and death) – and I assume the risk of such danger. This clause is subject to the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993, if it applies.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF MEMBER LIABILITY: Where it is proven that I or my family, cause any damage to the equipment or physical infrastructure of the gym, I acknowledge I am liable for that damage, and will reimburse the gym for the reasonable costs of putting right the damage via the payment method used to pay my membership fees.

PRIVACY ACT 1993: The authorities under this clause are authorities or consents for the purposes of the Privacy Act 1993.

PERSONAL EMAIL AND CONTACT DETAILS: I must provide my personal email address in order to receive occasional emails with updates of my membership and increasing benefits. I agree to being sent these electronic communications and acknowledge that I have the option to opt-out from receiving these updates by replying and requesting to be unsubscribed. I am obligated to ensure all my contact details are kept up to date.

RIGHT TO AMEND TERMS AND NOTIFY BY WEBSITE: The gym has the right to amend or vary these terms and conditions at any time. Updated terms and conditions will be available on the website.